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Af Louise Gorell Mackenhauer. Gruppe nummer: 17grsx113. Studienummer: 20152572
Resume og abstract
Formål: At undersøge hvordan berøringen mellem plejepersonalet og beboerne foregår på et plejehjem i Danmark i 2017 sammenholdt med andre lignende studier af international karakter. Dette søges besvaret med fokus på kategorisering af berøringen, hvordan der berøres, hvordan beboerne oplever berøringen og plejepersonalets rolle?
Design: Et litteraturstudie kombineret med et observationsstudie.
Metode: Både litteraturen og de indsamlede data er analyseret ud fra en hermeneutisk tilgang med udgangspunkt i meningskondensering som metode med henblik på at skabe et overblik over, hvilke temaer de analyserede data indeholder. Data blev indsamlet gennem et observationsstudie, analyseret og beskrevet gennem deskriptiv statistik.
Fund: Der er stort set overensstemmelse mellem tidligere internationale studier og fundene fra det danske observationsstudie. Der er dog uoverensstemmelse i forhold til køn og berøring samt beboernes oplevelse af berøring, samt fokus på hud-mod-hud berøring.
Konklusion: Arbejdet med opgaven peger på, at den skarpe opdeling mellem ekspressiv og instrumentel berøring ikke passer ind i en dansk kontekst, idet al berøring fra PP til BB, modsat erfaringer fra internationale studier, synes at bidrage positivt til BB trivsel.
Nøgleord: Berøring, ældre, plejehjem, hudsult, observationsstudie
Purpose: To explore the nature of touch between caregivers and residents in a nursing home in Denmark in 2017, in conjunction with other similar studies of international character. Focus will be on categorization and nature of touch, how it affects the residents experience and which role the caregivers have when it comes to the nature of touch.
Design: Systematic literature review combined with data collected from a focused ethnography.
Method: Both the findings from the systematic literature review and the collected data were analyzed on the basis of a hermeneutical approach based on meaning condensation as a way of providing the themes of the analyzed data. Data was collected through participant observations and described through descriptive statistics.
Findings: There are similarities between the findings from the older international studies and the findings from the newly Danish produced data from focused ethnography. However, there is discrepancy in relation to gender and touch as well as in the residents’ experience of touch. Furthermore, the focus on skin-to-skin touch is absent from the chosen international litterature.
Conclusion: This study suggests that the categorization between expressive and instrumental touch does not fit into a Danish context, since all interactions with touch from caregivers to residents, opposed to the experience from international studies, seems to contribute positively to the residents’ wellbeing.
Keywords: Touch, elderly, nursing home, touch-deprivation, focused ethnography.